今読んでいる本 ー Wonder

You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.

R.J. Palacio著Wonderの表紙に書いてある一節で、「生まれながら目立った格好なのだから、溶け込むことなんかできないんだ」という意味です。




WonderはR. J. Palacioという作家が書いた小説で、生まれながらにして奇形の顔を持つ主人公の少年Augustが初めて通常学級に通うお話です。作者のR. J. Palacioについて、Wikipediaには次のように書かれています。


Palacio was compelled to write Wonder after her youngest son (who at the time was three years old) started crying after noticing a girl with facial birth defects was sitting beside him as they were waiting in line to buy ice cream. Palacio attempted to discreetly sit her son away from the girl so as not to upset her or the girl’s family but ended up only intensifying the situation once ice cream was spilled. Reflecting on the situation while listening to Natalie Merchant‘s song “Wonder” had her realize that the incident could teach a valuable lesson. Palacio was inspired by Merchant’s lyrics and thus began writing.





I know I’m not an ordinary ten-year-old kid. I mean, sure, I do ordinary things. I eat ice cream. I ride my bike. I play ball. I have an XBox. Stuff like that makes me ordinary. I guess. And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don’t get stared at wherever they go.

If I found a magic lamp and I could have one wish, I would wish that had a normal face that no one ever noticed at all. I would wish that I could walk down the street without people seeing me and then doing that look-way thing. Here’s what I think: the only reason I’m not ordinary is that no one else sees me that way.

But I’m kind of used to how I look by now. I know how to pretend I don’t see the faces people make. We’ve all gotten pretty good at that sort of thing: me, Mom and Dad, Via. Actually, I take that back: Via’s not so good at it. She can get really annoyed when people do something rude. Like for instance, one time in the playground some older kids made some noises. I don’t even know what the noises were exactly because I didn’t hear them myself, but Via heard and she just started yelling at the kids. That’s the way she is. I’m not that way.

Via doesn’t see me as ordinary. She says she does, but if I were ordinary, she wouldn’t feel like she needs to protect me as much. And Mum and Dad don’t see me as ordinary, either. They see me as extraordinary. I think the only person in the world who realizes how ordinary I am is me.

My name is August, by the way. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.

From Wonder by R. J. Palacio





About takeondo 57 Articles
英語教師。学生時代に英語音声に魅了され、英語教師の道へ。とりわけ関心があるのは、英語のプロソディ(超分節音的側面)とよばれるリズム、イントネーションなど。英語朗読、英語落語にも興味があります。 Certificate of Proficiency in the Phonetics of English 2nd Class 趣味:囲碁(四段)、ランニング(ハーフ1時間30分/フル3時間40分)

5 Comments on 今読んでいる本 ー Wonder

  1. Thank you for this article! I’m so impressed. Do you mind if I share your reading with my students? I have my own private English school in Chiba and some of them are reading this book.

    • Dear Masako,

      Thank you for the comment. I have dedicated much of my time to this kind of oral reading or rodoku, partly because I want to be a better English speaker and a better English teacher. I also want to share my rodoku with many English learners because I believe it will help them in some way too. Please share it with your students. It would be my honor:-)

  2. I don’t even know that the noises were exactly because I didn’t hear them myself,
    –>I don’t even know what the noises were exactly because I didn’t hear them myself,

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